April Newsletter 2022
Newsletter comment from the Big Sir:
Our April luncheon, the second of the year so far, is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, April 6th. I’m sorry for any confusion but scheduling conflicts have forced this change of date. I also wish to announce that our featured speaker, on WEDNESDAY, April 6th, will be Cam Inman, the Beat Reporter who covers the San Francisco 49ers. Get your Jimmy G. questions lined up now! Hopefully we’ll have a turnout for the luncheon, on WEDNESDAY, that approaches the numbers we saw before the Pandemic.
See you on WEDNESDAY!!!”
Bill Junge
Big Sir 2022
Our April luncheon, the second of the year so far, is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, April 6th. I’m sorry for any confusion but scheduling conflicts have forced this change of date. I also wish to announce that our featured speaker, on WEDNESDAY, April 6th, will be Cam Inman, the Beat Reporter who covers the San Francisco 49ers. Get your Jimmy G. questions lined up now! Hopefully we’ll have a turnout for the luncheon, on WEDNESDAY, that approaches the numbers we saw before the Pandemic.
See you on WEDNESDAY!!!”
Bill Junge
Big Sir 2022
Notice: April luncheon will be Wednesday April 6, repeat Wednesday, not Thursday.
Mark your calendar
Mark your calendar
Breakfast Group: Next SIRs breakfast is yet to be determined
Breakfast Group: Next SIRs breakfast is yet to be determined

Treasurer News:
2022 DUES
We still need to collect dues from 1/3 of our members. Please pay at our WEDNESDAY April 6th meeting or by sending me a check. Make the check payable to SIR Branch 34 and send it to:
Tom Reif
2259 Kamp Ct
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Thanks to the members who have paid!

Computer group attendees
Beer Group: Next meeting will be announced by Steve at the April meeting
Bocce Group: Pleasanton Senior Center Next meeting April 5 10:00 am
A History Buff meeting is being arranged outdoors at the Pleasanton Sports Park at corner of Hopyard and Parkside for Wed April 13th 10am. Pull into the first parking lot and look for me at a nearby picnic table. Bring your own beverage and your own lawn chair in case. I will send along some work sheets soon. Bring your own interested items also for show and tell.
Stephen Jackson
Stephen Jackson
Presently 140
We need everyone's current phone information so we can contact regarding interest in upcoming functions. Please send email with changes to [email protected]
Presently 140
We need everyone's current phone information so we can contact regarding interest in upcoming functions. Please send email with changes to [email protected]