Little Sir John Roberts
Dear fellow SIRs
Our speaker for this month is Paul Ruff, who is a pilot for ships coming into San Francisco Bay. Dave arranged for him so I don’t know much more about him. Big Sir Dave Willmore is still in Singapore.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the March 2nd meeting....
John Roberts
Breakfast Group Contact Jim Benham at 925-484-3836 or [email protected] for questions
Next Breakfast To be announced during March luncheon
Wine Group February Setup Crew
Highland Oaks Cabana
Photographer forgot to take pictures after everyone showed up.PHJH
Over half of our members paid their dues in January. Now the rest of you need to get your dues paid. For the first time in over 20 years, we are increasing the dues from $20 to $25.00. The State SIR organization increased their fee from $7/member to $8/member. That plus increased expenses required an increase in our annual dues.
Please be ready to pay your $25 dues at our March meeting. The preferred payment is via a check made out to SIR 34. This will increase your likelihood that it gets credited properly. But cash is also happily accepted. Please show your badge so that old guys (like me) can get your name right. If you won’t be at the February meeting, please mail your $25 check to:
Tom Reif
2259 Kamp Ct
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Thanks for your help
February Birthday Boys
Golf: See Attached schedule for the new year.
There’s a SIR golf tournament at Discovery Bay CC on March 6
Contact Scott Paulsen for more information
There’s a SIR golf tournament at Discovery Bay CC on March 6
Contact Scott Paulsen for more information
Beer Group
With Steve Annen moving away, we are looking for a volunteer to host the Beer Group. Contact Peter Weeks if interested.
With Steve Annen moving away, we are looking for a volunteer to host the Beer Group. Contact Peter Weeks if interested.
Bocce Group: Pleasanton Senior Center
First and third Tuesday Contact Bill Junge for more information 925-846-5964
History Buff Group. For additional information contact Stephen Jackson at [email protected]
I will resume outdoor meetings in the Sports Park Pleasanton when the weather improves.
I will resume outdoor meetings in the Sports Park Pleasanton when the weather improves.
Poker is now scheduled for March 21at Bob Law’s home.
Contact Bob Law at [email protected]
February Luncheon