March Newsletter 2022
Newsletter comment from the Big Sir:
“At last we managed to have our luncheon on Thursday, March 3rd, after a 3-month lapse. All those that attended appreciated the get-together and trying to get this COVID stuff somewhat behind us. Interesting speakers, good food, and the comradery of the Sirs…what more do we need? Activities are ramping up. Bocce, Golf, Poker, and the Beer Group is now active. The Wine Group is coming up shortly.
Remember all, the next luncheon is WEDNESDAY, April 6th. (Can’t repeat that enough!!!!) Let’s increase our turnout”
Cam Inman will speak at our Wednesday, April 6, luncheon. As you recall, he is the beat reporter for the East Bay Times covering the 49’ers
Bill Junge
Big Sir 2022
“At last we managed to have our luncheon on Thursday, March 3rd, after a 3-month lapse. All those that attended appreciated the get-together and trying to get this COVID stuff somewhat behind us. Interesting speakers, good food, and the comradery of the Sirs…what more do we need? Activities are ramping up. Bocce, Golf, Poker, and the Beer Group is now active. The Wine Group is coming up shortly.
Remember all, the next luncheon is WEDNESDAY, April 6th. (Can’t repeat that enough!!!!) Let’s increase our turnout”
Cam Inman will speak at our Wednesday, April 6, luncheon. As you recall, he is the beat reporter for the East Bay Times covering the 49’ers
Bill Junge
Big Sir 2022
Little Sir Dave Willmore
Greetings.... For those who haven't met me, my name is Dave Willmore and I will serve as Little Sir this year. It was good to get together this month for our first Sirs luncheon of the year. A good attendance and great to see old friends and socialize. As we move into 2022, my focus will be to encourage all Sirs to help increase our membership. We have some initiatives going to publicize the club and make locals aware of who we are, but it's up to all of us to invite friends and neighbors to our luncheons and social events with the goal of growing the club. Two new members joined this month which was great to see. Let's see what we all can do to add more new members in 2022.
Greetings.... For those who haven't met me, my name is Dave Willmore and I will serve as Little Sir this year. It was good to get together this month for our first Sirs luncheon of the year. A good attendance and great to see old friends and socialize. As we move into 2022, my focus will be to encourage all Sirs to help increase our membership. We have some initiatives going to publicize the club and make locals aware of who we are, but it's up to all of us to invite friends and neighbors to our luncheons and social events with the goal of growing the club. Two new members joined this month which was great to see. Let's see what we all can do to add more new members in 2022.
Notice: April luncheon will be Wednesday April 6, repeat Wednesday, not Thursday.
Mark your calendar
Mark your calendar
Breakfast Group: Next SIRs breakfast is Wednesday, March 16 at Vic’s at 9:00
Breakfast Group: Next SIRs breakfast is Wednesday, March 16 at Vic’s at 9:00

Treasurer News:
2022 DUES
To those members who have not paid their dues, please bring to the April luncheon or send a check for $20. Make the check payable to SIR Branch 34 and send it to:
Tom Reif
2259 Kamp Ct
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Thanks to the 90 members who have paid!

Computer group attendees

Beer Group: Next meeting at Bottles and Taps in Livermore March 24 at 3 PM
Bocce Group: March 1st at Pleasanton Senior Center Next meeting March 15
Presently 140
We need everyone's current phone information so we can contact regarding interest in upcoming functions. Please send email with changes to [email protected]
Membership changes:
New members Lee Adair and John Ropp
New members Lee Adair and John Ropp
Per Little Sir Dave Willmore
Dave has the soft copies of the presentation from our March luncheon. If anyone wants a copy, please email him at [email protected]) Also, see below for link to the tax handouts
Dave has the soft copies of the presentation from our March luncheon. If anyone wants a copy, please email him at [email protected]) Also, see below for link to the tax handouts
Handout link page 1captrust1.pdf03042022.pdf
Handout link page2 captrust2.pdf03042022.pdf
March Birthday Boys

March 3rd Luncheon