Tri -Valley SIR 34 February 2022 Newsletter
Newsletter comment from the Big Sir:
The second month of my term continues to hold all of us in limbo concerning our SIRS activities. Unfortunately, the February luncheon was cancelled due to potential low attendance from the general membership. Understandably, COVID has all of us skeptical of large indoor gatherings. The Bocce and Golf players are alive and well. I hope to schedule the March luncheon after polling the general membership again in a couple of weeks from now. Until then, stay healthy and Be Safe!!
Bill Junge
Big Sir 2022
The second month of my term continues to hold all of us in limbo concerning our SIRS activities. Unfortunately, the February luncheon was cancelled due to potential low attendance from the general membership. Understandably, COVID has all of us skeptical of large indoor gatherings. The Bocce and Golf players are alive and well. I hope to schedule the March luncheon after polling the general membership again in a couple of weeks from now. Until then, stay healthy and Be Safe!!
Bill Junge
Big Sir 2022
Breakfast Group: Next SIRs breakfast is Wednesday, February 16 at Vic’s at 9:00
Breakfast Group: Next SIRs breakfast is Wednesday, February 16 at Vic’s at 9:00

Treasurer News:
2022 DUES
Since we are not having our February luncheon, it would be very helpful to me if you would pay your dues this month by sending me a check for $20. Make the check payable to SIR Branch 34 and send it to:
Tom Reif
2259 Kamp Ct
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Thanks to the members who have sent in their checks!
Beer Group: Meeting at the Shadow Puppet in Livermore January 27th
Bocce Group: January 18th at Pleasanton Senior Center
Late January Board meeting
Presently 141
We need everyone's current phone information so we can contact regarding interest in upcoming functions. Please send email with changes to [email protected]
Presently 141
We need everyone's current phone information so we can contact regarding interest in upcoming functions. Please send email with changes to [email protected]
Membership changes:
Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt
February Birthday Boys