Outgoing Big Sir Bill Junge
As I wind down my tenure as the 2022 Big Sir, I wish to give special thanks to my Little Sir Dave Willmore and wish him much success in the New Year. He has brought forth some great plans for our Branch #34, increasing membership and procuring some special luncheon speakers, with interesting and stimulating topics. I wish him well!
And also to the Board of Directors. It takes a village to keep our club running efficiently and I send my Thank You to all of them.
Our activities are alive and well. The golfers are active, thanks to Scott Paulson. Tony Davito’s Wine club is larger than ever. Bob Law seems to never lose at Poker. Steve Annen’s Bocce and Beer groups are boasting the highest turn-outs ever! (unfortunately, we’re losing Steve as the Activities Chairman, as he and his bride are moving to El Dorado Hills. But he promises to return to see us frequently.) There are more activities to list, but more on that in the future.
The new Big Sir will need to fill his shoes with a new “Activities” chairman. Also my thanks to Wendell Moen, our resident Librarian, who says he wants to retire from that job shortly. Any volunteers for that???
And lastly, but certainly not the least, my incredible appreciation to Tom Reif, who has been our Treasurer for the last hundred years. His attention to detail is beyond belief, his relationship with the San Ramon Golf course caterer is outstanding, and his position is vital to our organization. Thank you, Tom.
And to all the members, I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!And now the “Willmore-Era” begins…..
Retiring Big Sir Bill Junge
Big Sir Dave Willmore
Dear fellow SIRs
On behalf of our new Little SIR, John Roberts and myself, we wish you all a Happy and Healthy 2023!
First of all, a big thank you to our outgoing Big SIR, Bill Junge who, as both Little SIR and Big SIR, served admirably for a total of three years and guided us through the pandemic.
As we move into 2023, our theme for this coming year is 'Growth and Renewal'.... Adding new members and also, if possible, contacting those whose membership had lapsed over the last few years and seeing if they wish to return and become active again. At the end of 2019, we had 169 members. At the end of last year, our membership was down to 127. My goal in 2023 is to grow our membership back up to 145, our membership total at the end of 2021 and establish momentum so that we can continue to grow. Our membership growth must be the focus of everyone of us... making friends, neighbors and colleagues aware of our club and inviting them to see what we do and perhaps join us. But we also have a number of initiatives to publicize our SIRs branch and make us better known throughout the Tri-Valley. More on this at our January lunch meeting.
We also plan to establish a speakers and events committee to find and invite interesting speakers every month to our luncheons, and also aim to organize four different events throughout this coming year.
SIRs has a new recognition program and we also plan to establish a committee to award to deserving SIRs who have served above and beyond in the past.
If you are interested in joining one of these committees, please let me know...
Our speaker for January will be a docent from the USS Hornet... possibly Chuck Myers or another docent.
In February, our speaker will be Nate Branch, a former Harlem Globetrotter, who will share some interesting stories about his life...
Looking forward to seeing you all at the January 5th meeting....
Big Sir Dave Willmore
Dear fellow SIRs
On behalf of our new Little SIR, John Roberts and myself, we wish you all a Happy and Healthy 2023!
First of all, a big thank you to our outgoing Big SIR, Bill Junge who, as both Little SIR and Big SIR, served admirably for a total of three years and guided us through the pandemic.
As we move into 2023, our theme for this coming year is 'Growth and Renewal'.... Adding new members and also, if possible, contacting those whose membership had lapsed over the last few years and seeing if they wish to return and become active again. At the end of 2019, we had 169 members. At the end of last year, our membership was down to 127. My goal in 2023 is to grow our membership back up to 145, our membership total at the end of 2021 and establish momentum so that we can continue to grow. Our membership growth must be the focus of everyone of us... making friends, neighbors and colleagues aware of our club and inviting them to see what we do and perhaps join us. But we also have a number of initiatives to publicize our SIRs branch and make us better known throughout the Tri-Valley. More on this at our January lunch meeting.
We also plan to establish a speakers and events committee to find and invite interesting speakers every month to our luncheons, and also aim to organize four different events throughout this coming year.
SIRs has a new recognition program and we also plan to establish a committee to award to deserving SIRs who have served above and beyond in the past.
If you are interested in joining one of these committees, please let me know...
Our speaker for January will be a docent from the USS Hornet... possibly Chuck Myers or another docent.
In February, our speaker will be Nate Branch, a former Harlem Globetrotter, who will share some interesting stories about his life...
Looking forward to seeing you all at the January 5th meeting....
Big Sir Dave Willmore
Breakfast Group Contact Jim Benham at 925-484-3836 or [email protected] for questions
Next Breakfast Thursday, January 19 at Vic’s at 8:30.
Treasurer News:
2023 DUES
Happy New Year!
The new year starts our annual dues collection period. For the first time in over 20 years, we are increasing the dues from $20 to $25.00. The State SIR organization increased their fee from $7/member to $8/member. That plus increased expenses required an increase in our annual dues. The meal cost will remain at $25 for 2023.
Please be ready to pay your $25 dues at our January meeting. The preferred payment is via a check made out to SIR 34. This will increase your likelihood that it gets credited properly. But cash is also happily accepted. Please show your badge so that old guys (like me) can get your name right. If you won’t be at the January meeting, please mail your $25 check to:
Tom Reif
2259 Kamp Ct
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Thanks for your help
December/January Birthday Boys
Will be posted in February newsletter
Beer Group
Bocce Group: Pleasanton Senior Center
Npl[plg[podf |
December Luncheon