John Roberts Big Sir
Greetings to all my fellow SIRs
We are returning to Wedgewood at San Ramon golf club for the March 7 meeting! They have promised us a memorable luncheon to ameliorate our inconvenience in January. The remodel is completed.
Activities are ramping up on several fronts including a new Coffee and chat group and the Beer group.
Spring should bring out more golfers and bocce enthusiasts.
We have received an invite from Branch 128 to join them at a choral presentation in April. Chromatica will premiere Transfigurations on Saturday April 27 at St. Matthew’s in Walnut Creek at 7 PM with a repeat Sunday April 28 Peace Lutheran at 4 PM.
New members are our lifeline so remember to invite someone for our next meeting and sit with someone you don’t know for lunch.
There are about twenty people who have not paid 2024 dues so if you are in that group please bring a check for $25 to the meeting on March 7.
Hit em straight,
Little Sir Gary Kohler
We are very excited to have Mr. Chris Carter as our SPeaker for the March 7th Luncheon Meeting at San Ramon Golf Club
Chris is the host of the "Beyond the Stage" Podcast and serves as the Executuive Director of the Livermore Valley Arts. and also serves the head of the Bankhead Theater. He will update us on the arts and cutural events in the Tri-Valley and give us a preview of new and engaging activities for our region.
Gary Kohler
Link to our Facebook page, click below:
Sir 34 Facebook page
Sir 34 Facebook page
New Member Spotlight
Breakfast Group Contact Jim Benham at 925-484-3836 or [email protected] for questions

Next Breakfast To be the last Wednesday of the month at Vic's at 8:30, we have secured the back room. It is now reserved for us. The last Wednesday in March is the 27th
Wine Group at Highland Oaks Event Room
February event courtesy of John Roberts and wife Val
From Treasurer
Pat Fowler
Just a reminder that I will be collecting $25 annual dues at the March 7th luncheon. Checks payable to SIR Branch 34 preferred but cash accepted too.
Pat Fowler
Just a reminder that I will be collecting $25 annual dues at the March 7th luncheon. Checks payable to SIR Branch 34 preferred but cash accepted too.

Birthday Boys
Fellow Golfer Announcement
I want to enlist your assistance in communicating information about the 2024 Napa Golf Tournament sponsored by Branch’s 35, 149 and SIR State Golf. The links below provide the announcement and registration form for our first State Golf tournament of the year to be held in April. I’d ask that you inform you members by sending out email blasts to your golfing members, placing this information in your March and April newsletters, providing flyer information at your golf tournaments and luncheons.
Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated in helping to make this SIR event a great opportunity for all interested members to participate in.
The information on this event and other SIR golfing events can be found on the SIR State Golf website at
Many Thanks,
Ben Gikis, 2024 SIR State Golf Committee Chair
Napa Golf Tournament AnnouncementNapa Golf Tournament Registration Form, Fillable
I want to enlist your assistance in communicating information about the 2024 Napa Golf Tournament sponsored by Branch’s 35, 149 and SIR State Golf. The links below provide the announcement and registration form for our first State Golf tournament of the year to be held in April. I’d ask that you inform you members by sending out email blasts to your golfing members, placing this information in your March and April newsletters, providing flyer information at your golf tournaments and luncheons.
Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated in helping to make this SIR event a great opportunity for all interested members to participate in.
The information on this event and other SIR golfing events can be found on the SIR State Golf website at
Many Thanks,
Ben Gikis, 2024 SIR State Golf Committee Chair
Napa Golf Tournament AnnouncementNapa Golf Tournament Registration Form, Fillable
Golf: See Attached schedule for the new year.
Contact John Ropp for more information
Contact John Ropp for more information
Beer Group
March event to be at Bottle Taps in Pleasanton at 3:00 pm Wednesday March 20
March event to be at Bottle Taps in Pleasanton at 3:00 pm Wednesday March 20

Bocce Group: Pleasanton Senior Center 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month
Contact Bill Junge for more information 925-846-5964
History Buff Group. For additional information contact Stephen Jackson at [email protected]
No meetings planned.
No meetings planned.
Contact Bob Law at [email protected]
Couples Dining Event
Couples Dining Event
Coffee Group
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