SIR 34 March 2020 Newsletter
March is the month God created to show people who don't drink what a hangover is like. Garrison Keiler
March is the month of expectation, the things we do not know, the persons of prognostication are coming now. We try to sham becoming firmness, but pompous joy betrays us, as his first betrothal betrays a boy.
Emily Dickinson
March is the month of expectation, the things we do not know, the persons of prognostication are coming now. We try to sham becoming firmness, but pompous joy betrays us, as his first betrothal betrays a boy.
Emily Dickinson
Bill Staack
Your Two Bills (our Big and Little Sirs) attended the Regional Directors and Area Governors Town hall Meetings on February 19, 2020 in Fairfield with Ed Benson officiating. During the meeting John Haffner the Current Area Govenor of Area 15 has volunteered to fill the Regional Director position currently held by Bill Holy.
Please all stay well during this Coronavirus
Bill Staack
Your Two Bills (our Big and Little Sirs) attended the Regional Directors and Area Governors Town hall Meetings on February 19, 2020 in Fairfield with Ed Benson officiating. During the meeting John Haffner the Current Area Govenor of Area 15 has volunteered to fill the Regional Director position currently held by Bill Holy.
Please all stay well during this Coronavirus
Little SIR
Bill Junge
Guest Speaker
We had a very interesting speaker in February, Sarah Schafer from the Museum on Main, Pleasanton, who gave us insight on the number of Bars and Saloons that existed in Pleasanton before and during Prohibition. Today, it’s probably the same…somewhere about 30!
Our March speaker should also of interest to all of us. We are having Debbie Emerson, a Dementia Specialist from Hope Hospice. Among other topics, she will concentrate on the subject of “Caregiver Support”, a topic that I picked as probably too close to many of us.
I will also take a few minutes to report to all of the members the results of the “Town Hall Meeting” attended by the Big and Little SIRs last week in Fairfield.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Annual Dues Collection Time
We are still collecting dues this month. There are 39 of you that still have not paid. Please make an effort to get your dues paid. If you have not paid, please pay the $20 at our next meeting on March 5th.
If you are not attending the March meeting, please mail a check to me. Checks made out to
SIR Branch 34 are preferred and will improve your chances of being credited properly, but cash is also acceptable. It will be helpful to some of us old guys (like me) if you show us your badge when paying with cash.
You can also mail your check to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct,
Pleasanton 94588
Please note:
If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Schedule changes for future meetings: April 4/9 and November 11/12 both second Thursdays. All other meetings are on the first Thursday of the month.
The changes are because there were conflicts with other functions at Wedgewood.
Bill Junge
Guest Speaker
We had a very interesting speaker in February, Sarah Schafer from the Museum on Main, Pleasanton, who gave us insight on the number of Bars and Saloons that existed in Pleasanton before and during Prohibition. Today, it’s probably the same…somewhere about 30!
Our March speaker should also of interest to all of us. We are having Debbie Emerson, a Dementia Specialist from Hope Hospice. Among other topics, she will concentrate on the subject of “Caregiver Support”, a topic that I picked as probably too close to many of us.
I will also take a few minutes to report to all of the members the results of the “Town Hall Meeting” attended by the Big and Little SIRs last week in Fairfield.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Annual Dues Collection Time
We are still collecting dues this month. There are 39 of you that still have not paid. Please make an effort to get your dues paid. If you have not paid, please pay the $20 at our next meeting on March 5th.
If you are not attending the March meeting, please mail a check to me. Checks made out to
SIR Branch 34 are preferred and will improve your chances of being credited properly, but cash is also acceptable. It will be helpful to some of us old guys (like me) if you show us your badge when paying with cash.
You can also mail your check to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct,
Pleasanton 94588
Please note:
If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Schedule changes for future meetings: April 4/9 and November 11/12 both second Thursdays. All other meetings are on the first Thursday of the month.
The changes are because there were conflicts with other functions at Wedgewood.
Don Bartel Chairman
February Membership 169 Active
1 New Member
Don Bartel Chairman
February Membership 169 Active
1 New Member
Member Changes
Bruce Kubik passed away
John Stallwitz moved out of area
Bruce Kubik passed away
John Stallwitz moved out of area
February Birthdays
March Birthdays
Marion Rogers
Jerry Correia Nel Trinca Jim Collins Adrian Verduzco Chet Lanham Dave Wright Pete Petterson |
Bill Junge
Ron Petterson Terry Bernard Rick Loupe Dave Frock Doug Brown Patrick Fowler George Christensen |
Scott Paulson
Due to the good weather, we’ve had really good turnouts for Monday golf. Let’s keep up the good turnouts since we’re having this great spring time weather. View Golf Schedule
Annual State SIR Golf Outing in Napa April 20th & 21st. State Registration Form
Visit State Golf Outing Web Page
[email protected]
Scott Paulson
Due to the good weather, we’ve had really good turnouts for Monday golf. Let’s keep up the good turnouts since we’re having this great spring time weather. View Golf Schedule
Annual State SIR Golf Outing in Napa April 20th & 21st. State Registration Form
Visit State Golf Outing Web Page
[email protected]
Wine Tasting
Tony Davito
A big thanks to Joe and Irma Hernandez and Randy and Barb Reber. They again hosted the February Wine Outing at Highland Oaks Clubhouse. Everyone had wonderful food, great wine and stimulating conversation.
Donna and Mike Melvin are hosting the March wine club on Tuesday March 10, 6:00 to 8:00 PM. As they did last year, it will have a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Platters of corned beef will be provided by the hosts. Guests are requested to bring wine and an appetizer of their choice. If you were among the first 40 guests and can't attend please contact Tony Davito (925.846.7867) so he can add individuals who are on the "wait list".
Donna and Mike Melvin
4476 Sandalwood Drive
Mike’s cell phone - (925) 699-5012
[email protected]
If you have questions, please call me at 925.846.7867.
Thanks, Tony Davito
In February, we met at the John Knox Presbyterian Church in Dublin.
We had three tables and the winners were: Tim Kennedy, Peter McIntyre and Gordon Lund.
Our next meeting will be March 10th, 2020 at ONE PM.
Don Roberts
The camera club meets monthly at the Pleasant Senior Center. Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected].
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else know.
Tony Davito
A big thanks to Joe and Irma Hernandez and Randy and Barb Reber. They again hosted the February Wine Outing at Highland Oaks Clubhouse. Everyone had wonderful food, great wine and stimulating conversation.
Donna and Mike Melvin are hosting the March wine club on Tuesday March 10, 6:00 to 8:00 PM. As they did last year, it will have a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Platters of corned beef will be provided by the hosts. Guests are requested to bring wine and an appetizer of their choice. If you were among the first 40 guests and can't attend please contact Tony Davito (925.846.7867) so he can add individuals who are on the "wait list".
Donna and Mike Melvin
4476 Sandalwood Drive
Mike’s cell phone - (925) 699-5012
[email protected]
If you have questions, please call me at 925.846.7867.
Thanks, Tony Davito
In February, we met at the John Knox Presbyterian Church in Dublin.
We had three tables and the winners were: Tim Kennedy, Peter McIntyre and Gordon Lund.
Our next meeting will be March 10th, 2020 at ONE PM.
Don Roberts
The camera club meets monthly at the Pleasant Senior Center. Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected].
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else know.
History Club
Steve Jackson
For those of you who are history buffs this club might be of interest to you. We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10am at the Corner Bakery Café near intersection of Bernal and Valley near I-680. We have a list of topics we want to explore. Please join us if you are interested and bring a fact or two with you to share.
Stephen Jackson [email protected]
Steve Jackson
For those of you who are history buffs this club might be of interest to you. We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10am at the Corner Bakery Café near intersection of Bernal and Valley near I-680. We have a list of topics we want to explore. Please join us if you are interested and bring a fact or two with you to share.
Stephen Jackson [email protected]

Beer Group
Steve Annen
The beer group is meeting at the Fieldworks brewery in San Ramon On Thursday March 19th at 4pm.
Steve Annen
The beer group is meeting at the Fieldworks brewery in San Ramon On Thursday March 19th at 4pm.

(Little SIR standing in for Bob Law) The Poker group met at Little Sir Bill Junge’s house last week. The Little SIR did play better, but still lost a little. (This needs to stop!)
Bob Law has taken over the Poker arrangements but is recovering from shoulder surgery, complained that he couldn’t deal so well, therefore he didn’t play this month. The next game is scheduled for March 26th. New blood is always welcome, to join this friendly group. Contact Bob Law [email protected]
Bob Law has taken over the Poker arrangements but is recovering from shoulder surgery, complained that he couldn’t deal so well, therefore he didn’t play this month. The next game is scheduled for March 26th. New blood is always welcome, to join this friendly group. Contact Bob Law [email protected]
Steve Annen
We are Playing Bocce on TUES March 3rd 10am at the Fallon Sports Park in Dublin, at 10am, and Tues March 17th. Yes that is St patty day so wear your green see you there. Steve
Steve Annen
We are Playing Bocce on TUES March 3rd 10am at the Fallon Sports Park in Dublin, at 10am, and Tues March 17th. Yes that is St patty day so wear your green see you there. Steve

The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
Vic has sold his restaurant to two of his workers, Laura our waitress and her husband who is a cook. It will continue to be run as Vic's AllStar Kitchen with same menu and employees. We meet there the last Wednesday of the month at 8:30 AM. Please join us.
[email protected]
Jim Benham
Vic has sold his restaurant to two of his workers, Laura our waitress and her husband who is a cook. It will continue to be run as Vic's AllStar Kitchen with same menu and employees. We meet there the last Wednesday of the month at 8:30 AM. Please join us.
[email protected]

NEW Dinner Club
Jim Benham
The idea is to meet at a local restaurant for dinner, women are invited as well as single men wanting to get together for good conversation and a good meal. This activity is now a go! We selected Pasta Trattoria in downtown Pleasanton as our first restaurant. I will be announcing dates, menus and other details in early March.
Please send me an e-mail if you are [email protected].
Jim Benham
The idea is to meet at a local restaurant for dinner, women are invited as well as single men wanting to get together for good conversation and a good meal. This activity is now a go! We selected Pasta Trattoria in downtown Pleasanton as our first restaurant. I will be announcing dates, menus and other details in early March.
Please send me an e-mail if you are [email protected].