SIR 34 April 2019 Newsletter
The air soft as that of Seville in April, and so fragrant that it was delicious to breathe it.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus
Jim Benham
The rains have subsided, the weather is warming up and the hills are as green as Ireland. April is a great month to get outside, work in the garden, clean up the lawn, go on a bike ride, take a walk or get in an extra game of golf. Enjoy the weather before it gets too hot.
I was encouraged to see we had three guests last month who actually became members. On the other hand, I was disappointed to see that none of our 2018/2019 new members brought any guests. Please reach out to your friends and acquaintances and bring some potential new members to lunch this month. Remember, guests eat free and if they become a member, you receive a good bottle of wine or a free lunch.
Little SIR
Bill Staack
Guest Speaker
Our speaker this month is Rachel Jones from the Legal Agency Formation Committee (LAFCO) for Alameda County. LAFCO's are mandated by the state for every county in California. They are tasked with regulating and planning the orderly formation and expansion of local government agencies and a host of other issues dealing with our county.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Annual Dues Collection Time Continues ( it should be over soon).
Almost everyone has paid their dues (THANK YOU!) We still have a few more to go, so at our next meeting in March we will continue collecting the annual $20.00 member dues. Checks made out to SIR Branch 34 are preferred and will improve your chances of being credited properly, but cash is also acceptable. It will be helpful to some of us old guys (like me) if you show us your badge when paying with cash.
You can also mail your check to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct, Pleasanton 94588
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Ron Jensen
There is an important change in the policy for reporting absence from our SIR luncheons. Starting in March, there is NO need to inform the attendance chair whether you will be absent from this meeting or any other meeting.
If you have a conflict and cannot attend, you will marked as absent from that luncheon by the fact that you did not use your badge that month.
Jim Benham
The rains have subsided, the weather is warming up and the hills are as green as Ireland. April is a great month to get outside, work in the garden, clean up the lawn, go on a bike ride, take a walk or get in an extra game of golf. Enjoy the weather before it gets too hot.
I was encouraged to see we had three guests last month who actually became members. On the other hand, I was disappointed to see that none of our 2018/2019 new members brought any guests. Please reach out to your friends and acquaintances and bring some potential new members to lunch this month. Remember, guests eat free and if they become a member, you receive a good bottle of wine or a free lunch.
Little SIR
Bill Staack
Guest Speaker
Our speaker this month is Rachel Jones from the Legal Agency Formation Committee (LAFCO) for Alameda County. LAFCO's are mandated by the state for every county in California. They are tasked with regulating and planning the orderly formation and expansion of local government agencies and a host of other issues dealing with our county.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Annual Dues Collection Time Continues ( it should be over soon).
Almost everyone has paid their dues (THANK YOU!) We still have a few more to go, so at our next meeting in March we will continue collecting the annual $20.00 member dues. Checks made out to SIR Branch 34 are preferred and will improve your chances of being credited properly, but cash is also acceptable. It will be helpful to some of us old guys (like me) if you show us your badge when paying with cash.
You can also mail your check to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct, Pleasanton 94588
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Ron Jensen
There is an important change in the policy for reporting absence from our SIR luncheons. Starting in March, there is NO need to inform the attendance chair whether you will be absent from this meeting or any other meeting.
If you have a conflict and cannot attend, you will marked as absent from that luncheon by the fact that you did not use your badge that month.
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Frank Hamilton active to out
Roger Schmidt active to out
Ted Woy remove from active per board recommendation
In March we have 173 active and no inactive members.
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Frank Hamilton active to out
Roger Schmidt active to out
Ted Woy remove from active per board recommendation
In March we have 173 active and no inactive members.
New Members
![]() |
Bob Wolf TV090 golf
April Birthdays
Randy Cotton
Ed McGovern Carl Churilo Bob Savers Terry Lacey Tom Hillesland |
Tony Davito
lloyd Hanson Manuel Escovedo Don Bartel Phil Henry Henri Laborde |
February Birthday Boys

2018 Golf Schedule |
Jim Kenna
Thanks to more than half of our golf membership who have submitted responses to the 2020 Golf Course Preference Survey. Preliminary review indicates we want to play local courses and the better courses out of the trivalley area. The results and more specific feedback will be available at the luncheon meeting.
Jim Kenna (925) 989-9062
Please join me for nine great holes at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Monday and Thursday, 8:00
AM tee off. Show up at least 15 minutes earlier for pairing.
Jim Kenna
Thanks to more than half of our golf membership who have submitted responses to the 2020 Golf Course Preference Survey. Preliminary review indicates we want to play local courses and the better courses out of the trivalley area. The results and more specific feedback will be available at the luncheon meeting.
Jim Kenna (925) 989-9062
Please join me for nine great holes at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Monday and Thursday, 8:00
AM tee off. Show up at least 15 minutes earlier for pairing.
Wine Tasting
Larry Lindsey
Our next wine tasting will be at Steve Annen's home on Tuesday April 16th. Steve wants to take advantage of the nice weather so we will be starting the tasting at 5:00PM. For the choice of wines Steve is requesting that we bring non traditional varietals. Examples are Montepulciano, Aglianico, Cab Franc, Mourvedre, Carbon and others. Do not bring Cab, Zin, Chardonnay Etc. To find non-traditional wines try the Wine Steward, Total Wines or BevMo in Pleasanton. Bring any foods you like. I think having different varietal wines to sample will be fun.
Last month we met at the home of Mike and Donna Melvin. To celebrate Mike and Donna prepared delicious and generous portions of Corned Beef. We also sampled some terrific Irish themed hors d'oeuvres. The quest for Irish wine was less than fruitful. Thanks to Mike, Donna and all who attended, it was a fun event.
Larry Lindsey
[email protected].
My apologies to the Bridge Club, I've seem to have mis-placed (other wise known as lost forever) Chuck's email about the March Bridge session. So I simply took some liberties as seen below.
In March, we met at John Knox Presbyterian Church 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin.
We had 3 tables, our next meeting will be April 9th, 2019 at 1:00 PM.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
Larry Lindsey
Our next wine tasting will be at Steve Annen's home on Tuesday April 16th. Steve wants to take advantage of the nice weather so we will be starting the tasting at 5:00PM. For the choice of wines Steve is requesting that we bring non traditional varietals. Examples are Montepulciano, Aglianico, Cab Franc, Mourvedre, Carbon and others. Do not bring Cab, Zin, Chardonnay Etc. To find non-traditional wines try the Wine Steward, Total Wines or BevMo in Pleasanton. Bring any foods you like. I think having different varietal wines to sample will be fun.
Last month we met at the home of Mike and Donna Melvin. To celebrate Mike and Donna prepared delicious and generous portions of Corned Beef. We also sampled some terrific Irish themed hors d'oeuvres. The quest for Irish wine was less than fruitful. Thanks to Mike, Donna and all who attended, it was a fun event.
Larry Lindsey
[email protected].
My apologies to the Bridge Club, I've seem to have mis-placed (other wise known as lost forever) Chuck's email about the March Bridge session. So I simply took some liberties as seen below.
In March, we met at John Knox Presbyterian Church 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin.
We had 3 tables, our next meeting will be April 9th, 2019 at 1:00 PM.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
History Club
Steve Jackson
For those of you who are history buffs this club might be of interest to you. We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10am (next one Wednesday April 10), at the Corner Bakery Café near intersection of Bernal and Valley near I-680. We have a list of topics we want to explore and are currently working on Civil War stories. Please join us if you are interested and bring a fact or two with you to share.
Stephen Jackson [email protected]
Steve Jackson
For those of you who are history buffs this club might be of interest to you. We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10am (next one Wednesday April 10), at the Corner Bakery Café near intersection of Bernal and Valley near I-680. We have a list of topics we want to explore and are currently working on Civil War stories. Please join us if you are interested and bring a fact or two with you to share.
Stephen Jackson [email protected]

Beer Group
Steve Annen
The beer group had a great time at the Fieldworks brewery in San Ramon. We had a table around a fire bit and shared a wide range of beers from a coffee /chocolate stouts to fruity IPA's. The ladies that were there also had a good time catching up and exploring this exciting new shopping and dining mecca.
Steve Annen
The beer group had a great time at the Fieldworks brewery in San Ramon. We had a table around a fire bit and shared a wide range of beers from a coffee /chocolate stouts to fruity IPA's. The ladies that were there also had a good time catching up and exploring this exciting new shopping and dining mecca.

There was no poker game this month as our host, Daryl Silva, was severely injured in a fall while attending spring training in AZ. We all pray for his speedy recovery.
The next game is April 10.
Please see Jim Benham if you would like more information and would like to join the poker club or e-mail him at [email protected].
The next game is April 10.
Please see Jim Benham if you would like more information and would like to join the poker club or e-mail him at [email protected].
Steve Annen
Our next game is scheduled to be played at the Pleasanton Senior Center, hope to see you there.
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
We had another good turn-out with 14 SIRS joining us for breakfast and conversation at Vic's All Star Cafe in downtown Pleasanton. Please join us at 8:30 on Wednesday April 24. We are always done by no later than 10:00, the breakfast discussions and camaraderie are priceless.
Please see Jim Benham or e-mail him at [email protected] to get more info or to join the breakfast group and/or poker club.
Steve Annen
Our next game is scheduled to be played at the Pleasanton Senior Center, hope to see you there.
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
We had another good turn-out with 14 SIRS joining us for breakfast and conversation at Vic's All Star Cafe in downtown Pleasanton. Please join us at 8:30 on Wednesday April 24. We are always done by no later than 10:00, the breakfast discussions and camaraderie are priceless.
Please see Jim Benham or e-mail him at [email protected] to get more info or to join the breakfast group and/or poker club.