Newsletter comment from the Big Sir:
Greetings to all Sirs:
The hot weather is almost over and I’m winding down my tenure as Big Sir soon. I’m excited to announce that our luncheon speaker for October is a retired Fire Chief who was the Uniformed spokesman for Channel Four TV (NBC) during that horrible time. He will give insight and details about that fire 31 years ago, in addition to tips for fire prevention today. Please, please, respond to this e-mail regarding your intention to attend this luncheon so that we may give the caterer a better headcount!
Next, the November luncheon, in the month that we remember and honor all of our Veterans, I have arranged a representative from BayAreaHonorFlight, the organization that brings veterans from WW11, Korea and Vietnam to Washington DC. This will be a fantastic presentation. I just returned from my second trip, in April as the “Honored Vet” and last week, as a “Guardian” for a close Veteran friend of mine.
Lastly, we going to have a December luncheon. Thursday, December 1, the First Thursday, as usual. There will be a Christmas Theme, and all the ladies are invited, both wives or girlfriends. (It’s up to you who you want to bring!!!) I will announce more details on this next week at the October luncheon. Sign-ups and table reservations will be held during the November luncheon.
Stay safe, stay healthy.
Big Sir Bill Junge
Breakfast Group Contact Jim Benham at 925-484-3836 or [email protected] for questions
Wine Group September
Treasurer News:
2022 DUES
Dues are now current for all active members.
Tom Reif
2259 Kamp Ct
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Thanks to the members who have paid!
Potomac Cruise Activity September 24
Beer Group: Next meeting will be announced by Steve at the October meeting
Bocce Group: Pleasanton Senior Center The next Sirs bocce will be the 1st and 3rd Tuesday in October.
September Luncheon