SIR Branch 34 April Newsletter
Jack Parker
Spring is here and the trees are full of blossoms. As the weather begins to get warmer, everyone’s mood improves.
Thank you Larry and Sharron Lindsey for hosting the wine event for March. The weather co-operated and we were able to spend quality time relaxing on the patio. The wives really enjoy these events each month. In April we will meet at the home of Jim & Jane Benham on April 11th @6:30 PM. The wine club is open to all members. Just be sure to let the host know that you plan on being there. Jim is asking that we bring a wine from the Monterey/Carmel Valley region.
I enjoy my Sir membership. We have a great variety of retiree’s who are fun and interesting. Why not share your good fortune with your friends and neighbors. Membership is always an important topic for any group. If we don’t grow, there is only 1 other direction to go. During the first three meetings of this year, we had a total of 4 guests. If each member could bring 1 guest this year (sooner is better), we would be in great shape. There is always room for more.
With vacation time at hand, remember to notify Ron Jensen if you plan to miss a meeting.
As Will Rogers once said, “There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works.
Jack Parker
Big Sir
The search for a Little Sir for 2018 is on, anyone interested in learning more about SIRs or the duties of the Little Sir, please contact one of the members listed below. Thanks
Jack Parker Carl Churilo
925-846-2416 925-967-8177
[email protected] [email protected]
Adrian Verduzco
[email protected]
Little SIR
Adrian Verduzco
Guest Speaker
Our April guest speaker is Dr. Benjamin Santer, an atmospheric scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). His research focuses on such topics as climate model evaluation, the use of statistical methods in climate science, and identification of natural and anthropogenic “fingerprints” in observed climate records. He holds a Ph.D in Climatology from the University of East Angilia, England. He joined LLNL’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison in 1992. Some of Dr. Santer’s awards include a Distinguished Scientist Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Energy, a Fellowship of the American Geophysical Union, and membership in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. He recently visited the Juneau Icefield in Alaska. He enjoys rock climbing, mountaineering and exploring the state of California.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Lunch Price Now $22
You all have been great so far in bringing in the correct amount for lunch. Thanks. Keep up the good work! Another “Thank You” for getting your dues paid.
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Ron Jensen
If you aren't attending the luncheon meeting please send Email to:
[email protected] Please put "Sir Lunch" in the subject line
OR you can hit the reply arrow on the email you receive every month 12 days
before the luncheon. Type in "I can not attend on XX/XX/XX. My badge numberis XXX." Then hit the send button or arrow.
We must give San Ramon Golf Club the number of meals to prepare 10 days
prior to the meeting.
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Dave Stahl active to out could not hear
John Weir active to out no reason
Robert Natsch active to out no reason
In March we have 167 active and 6 inactive members.
Birthday Boys
BARTEL Don 4/24/41
CHURILO Carl 4/26/45
COTTON Randy 4/9/35
DANSEREAU Lee 4/6/37
DAVITO Tony 4/28/43
ESCOVEDO Manuel 4/18/52
HANSON Lloyd 4/24/30
HENRY Phil 4/7/36
HILLESLAND Tom 4/19/39
LABORDE Henri 4/29/36
LACEY Terry 4/16/37
SAMUELS Garry 4/20/38
SAUERS Bob 4/15/37
SCHNEIDE Bill 4/11/27
WOY Ted 4/8/32
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Dave Stahl active to out could not hear
John Weir active to out no reason
Robert Natsch active to out no reason
In March we have 167 active and 6 inactive members.
Birthday Boys
BARTEL Don 4/24/41
CHURILO Carl 4/26/45
COTTON Randy 4/9/35
DANSEREAU Lee 4/6/37
DAVITO Tony 4/28/43
ESCOVEDO Manuel 4/18/52
HANSON Lloyd 4/24/30
HENRY Phil 4/7/36
HILLESLAND Tom 4/19/39
LABORDE Henri 4/29/36
LACEY Terry 4/16/37
SAMUELS Garry 4/20/38
SAUERS Bob 4/15/37
SCHNEIDE Bill 4/11/27
WOY Ted 4/8/32
New Member
None this month!
None this month!
March Birthday Boys
Golf Newsletter
Revised Golf Schedule can be viewed here
Please join me for nine great holes at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Monday and Thursday, 8:00 AM tee off. Show up at least 15 minutes earlier for pairing.
The PC Users Group meeting is held every fourth Thursday of the month at 10 AM at the
Pleasanton Senior Center. You do not have to sign up, just show up. The agenda for each
meeting is posted at
If you would like to be on the agenda mailing list, which is sent out about a week before the
meeting, send your email address to [email protected] and you will be added to the mailing list.
Thanks to Sharron and Larry Lindsey for "volunteering" to host our March Wine outing. As noted above it was a balmy night, so we sipped our fine wines on the back patio. A fun time.
The wine tasting for the month of April will be at Jim & Jane Benham's home on Tuesday April 11th at 6:30. They have asked that we bring wines from the Monterey/Carmel Valley region. That should be interesting because we have not sampled wines from that area. Please respond to this e-mail or to the Benhams that you intend to attend the wine tasting.
Jim & Jane Benham
7483 Laurel Ct
[email protected]
The Bridge group meets the second Tuesday every month at the Hacienda Moto Home Park on Vineyard Ave. in Pleasanton.
In March we met on Tues the 14th. . The winners were Chan Eason and Gordon Lund.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday April 11th.
Dance Carl Churilo
We been busy again this month. I found another good place for dancing and it is at, Allegro in Emeryville for dancing on Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon. Also, if you’re interested there is a live band on Saturday night for Salsa dancing. Been there and done that as well. They have 3 dance floors and each one has some different styles of dancing. Go to their Website and check it out. You’ll find my wife and myself at least 2 of the 3 nights. The have a dance lesson before each party which is included in admission. If you are interested in joining us, let me know, Carl: 925-967-8177 or email me at [email protected] or go to the below Website for dance events all over the Bay area.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
View Camera Club Slide Show
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
Carl Churilo
I hate writing this column for it contains sad news about our membership and their spouses. But the good news for the second month in a row that I have no names to report on. Let’s try to keep it that way.
Beer Group
Steve Annen
Last month we met at 8 Bridges Brewery where sampled several beers, resolved all the problems of the world and sports. On Thursday, April 20th we'll convene at 4pm at McKay's on Main St we are inviting the ladies to join us for some interesting conversation, food and beer . Please plan to be there.
Steve Annen
Bocce is back!!!! Come join us the first and third Tuesdays 10am at the Senior Center. Next match play Tuesday April 4. Bocce Slide Show
Steve Annen
The walking group has been put on hold for a while.
Jim Benham
This is a fun causal game, come join us some time. We usually meet on the last Tuesday, first hand at 6pm, last at 10pm, come Heaven or (Hell) high water.
Supper Club
Steve Annen The Supper Club had a great time at the home of Jim and Jane Benham. Jim cooked some very tasty corn beef and cabbage. He also made some mean Irish Sours. Our next meeting is April 21, we've opted to go to a Chinese Restaurant. Should be fun. Some have asked what is the difference between Supper & Dinner. In Upstate NY supper was eaten around the kitchen table usually around 5pm. Dinner was held in the dinning room on Sunday usually between 1pm and 5pm, depending on family tradition. |
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
We meet once a month at Vic's All Star Cafe on Main in Pleasanton. Sixteen SIRs attended our meeting in March. We had good conversations, fine food and a great time. We talked about the weather, local sports teams (including the one bolting to La$ Vega$), some politics (local, national and international) and other important worldly events. Come join us Wednesday morning April 26 at 8:30am.
Jim Benham
We meet once a month at Vic's All Star Cafe on Main in Pleasanton. Sixteen SIRs attended our meeting in March. We had good conversations, fine food and a great time. We talked about the weather, local sports teams (including the one bolting to La$ Vega$), some politics (local, national and international) and other important worldly events. Come join us Wednesday morning April 26 at 8:30am.