SIR 34 April 2018 Newsletter
“Her laughter sounded like April showers, like whispered secrets, like glass wind-chimes.”
Rebecca McNutt Shadowed Skies: The Third Smog City Novel
Rebecca McNutt Shadowed Skies: The Third Smog City Novel
Adrian Verduzco
Happy April everyone.
Spring has sprung with many trees in blossom and temperatures warming. It’s that time of year to become more active and enjoy the outdoors.
As we always mention, it’s vital to the health of our branch to keep bringing guest to our lunches. I encourage our new members to bring a guest for lunch and also get involved with activities, which is a great way to know more of your fellow members. There are many activities to try, from bridge, computers, wine tasting, bocce, breakfast club, golf at Pleasanton Fairways and many more.
As we did last year, if each member could bring one guest this year, our branch will be in great shape. So go out and talk to your friends and neighbors and invite them for lunch.
Thanks in advance to all of you.
Adrian Verduzco
Little SIR
Jim Benham
Guest Speaker
Our speaker this month is Katy Brady. She is the Community Education Coordinator for Alameda County, Legal Assistance for Seniors. Her topic will be Consumer Fraud, Scams Targeting Seniors and Tips for Protection and Prevention.
She will also discuss the new Medicare cards we will be receiving this year that removes our Social Security Number from the card. The new identification cards are coming soon. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services plan to mail out the replacement cards to all of the program's 58.5 million recipients by April 2019, as mandated by Congress in 2015. The new cards instead of displaying your Social Security number, which scammers can use to commit fraud, will have a new number that will be randomly assigned and unique to each Medicare recipient.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Reminder! Lunch price is now $25
Annual Dues Collection Time Continues
A few of you still haven’t paid. Please remember to pay this month or mail a check payable to SIR Branch 34 to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct, Pleasanton 94588
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Special Announcement: For many years we've held our annual BBQ Picnic at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds. We provided all the food & beverages at annual picnic. These BBQs have been very successful due to all the hard work by our volunteers. Unfortunately things are changing. I've been informed that due to security issues at the fairgrounds during the fair, we will no longer be allowed to provide our own food & beverages. All picnics during the Fair have to be catered thru the Fairgrounds. This means that our annual Picnic must now be catered thru the fairgrounds . The cost will be $35, per person plus $3. per beverage. We have been very fortunate in the past that I have have been able to negotiate with the event managers at the Fairgrounds, where our Club has used the Fairgrounds with minimum charges. Now due to HIGH SECURITY ISSUES, the fairgrounds will no longer allow us to bring in our own BBQ provisions. Therefore, if we want to continue our Picnic at the Fairgrounds, we must have it catered thru the Fairgrounds. At our next luncheon on April 5th I will need to have a show of hands as to who is interested in having the picnic at the Fairgrounds or not having the picnic this year. I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve as your Picnic Chairman. Hopefully we will see you all at our April luncheon.
NOTE: Our Picnic is scheduled for Friday June 29th. which is BOOMER DAY! which allows seniors free admission.
Thanks to all of you ,
Joe Hernandez
Ron Jensen
There is an important change in the policy for reporting absence from our SIR luncheons, there is NO need to inform the attendance chair whether you will be absent from this meeting or any other meeting. If you have a conflict and cannot attend, you will marked as absent from that luncheon by the fact that you did not use your badge that month.
Adrian Verduzco
Happy April everyone.
Spring has sprung with many trees in blossom and temperatures warming. It’s that time of year to become more active and enjoy the outdoors.
As we always mention, it’s vital to the health of our branch to keep bringing guest to our lunches. I encourage our new members to bring a guest for lunch and also get involved with activities, which is a great way to know more of your fellow members. There are many activities to try, from bridge, computers, wine tasting, bocce, breakfast club, golf at Pleasanton Fairways and many more.
As we did last year, if each member could bring one guest this year, our branch will be in great shape. So go out and talk to your friends and neighbors and invite them for lunch.
Thanks in advance to all of you.
Adrian Verduzco
Little SIR
Jim Benham
Guest Speaker
Our speaker this month is Katy Brady. She is the Community Education Coordinator for Alameda County, Legal Assistance for Seniors. Her topic will be Consumer Fraud, Scams Targeting Seniors and Tips for Protection and Prevention.
She will also discuss the new Medicare cards we will be receiving this year that removes our Social Security Number from the card. The new identification cards are coming soon. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services plan to mail out the replacement cards to all of the program's 58.5 million recipients by April 2019, as mandated by Congress in 2015. The new cards instead of displaying your Social Security number, which scammers can use to commit fraud, will have a new number that will be randomly assigned and unique to each Medicare recipient.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Reminder! Lunch price is now $25
Annual Dues Collection Time Continues
A few of you still haven’t paid. Please remember to pay this month or mail a check payable to SIR Branch 34 to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct, Pleasanton 94588
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Special Announcement: For many years we've held our annual BBQ Picnic at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds. We provided all the food & beverages at annual picnic. These BBQs have been very successful due to all the hard work by our volunteers. Unfortunately things are changing. I've been informed that due to security issues at the fairgrounds during the fair, we will no longer be allowed to provide our own food & beverages. All picnics during the Fair have to be catered thru the Fairgrounds. This means that our annual Picnic must now be catered thru the fairgrounds . The cost will be $35, per person plus $3. per beverage. We have been very fortunate in the past that I have have been able to negotiate with the event managers at the Fairgrounds, where our Club has used the Fairgrounds with minimum charges. Now due to HIGH SECURITY ISSUES, the fairgrounds will no longer allow us to bring in our own BBQ provisions. Therefore, if we want to continue our Picnic at the Fairgrounds, we must have it catered thru the Fairgrounds. At our next luncheon on April 5th I will need to have a show of hands as to who is interested in having the picnic at the Fairgrounds or not having the picnic this year. I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve as your Picnic Chairman. Hopefully we will see you all at our April luncheon.
NOTE: Our Picnic is scheduled for Friday June 29th. which is BOOMER DAY! which allows seniors free admission.
Thanks to all of you ,
Joe Hernandez
Ron Jensen
There is an important change in the policy for reporting absence from our SIR luncheons, there is NO need to inform the attendance chair whether you will be absent from this meeting or any other meeting. If you have a conflict and cannot attend, you will marked as absent from that luncheon by the fact that you did not use your badge that month.
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Rich Silla Active to out
Mike Pegler Active to out
John Hoffmann Active to out
In February we have 169 active and 6 inactive members.
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Rich Silla Active to out
Mike Pegler Active to out
John Hoffmann Active to out
In February we have 169 active and 6 inactive members.

April Birthdays
Don Bartel
Carl Chrilo Randy Cotton Tony Davito Manuel Escovedo Lloyd Hanson Phil Henry |
Tom Hillsland
Henri Laborde Terry Lacey Garry Samuels Bob Sauers Ted Woy |

2018 Golf Schedule |
Jim Kenna
Expecting some great golf this month including tournaments at Discovery Bay Country Club, The Course at Wente Vineyards and Rancho Solano. Along with improved weather and great course conditions this time of year we have run out of excuses to not play. So lets go hitem. Looking forward to seeing you on Mondays as well as some record scores.
Please join me for nine great holes at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Monday and Thursday, 8:00
AM tee off. Show up at least 15 minutes earlier for pairing.
Jim Kenna
Expecting some great golf this month including tournaments at Discovery Bay Country Club, The Course at Wente Vineyards and Rancho Solano. Along with improved weather and great course conditions this time of year we have run out of excuses to not play. So lets go hitem. Looking forward to seeing you on Mondays as well as some record scores.
Please join me for nine great holes at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Monday and Thursday, 8:00
AM tee off. Show up at least 15 minutes earlier for pairing.
Wine Tasting
Larry Lindsey
Our wine tasting for April will be at Wendell and Rose Moen's home in Pleasanton. The date is April 10 starting at 6:30. They have requested that we bring blended wines. If you want to bring a white and cannot fine a blended wine bring your favorite white wine. The Moens live in a gated community and you have to go through a gate. The # to open the gate is 9245. They live on a small cal-de-sack next to the emergency gate so please do not park in curb that has no parking sighs. There is plenty of parking in the cal-de-sack and around the corner on the main street. Please respond to this e-mail or to the Moens e-mail that you will be attending the event. It is very important that the host know the number of people coming.
Wendell and Rose Moen
3491Dorest Ct
[email protected]
We had a great wine tasting this last month at Stoneridge Creek here in Pleasanton. The event was hosted by Buck & Joanne Helsel who are residents of the retirement village. It was well attended and all had a good time.
Larry Lindsey
[email protected].
In March, we met at John Knox Presbyterian Church 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin.
We had 3 tables and the winners were: Chuck Brown and Randy Cotton.
Our next meeting will be April 10th at 1:00 PM.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
Larry BrummPlease call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else know.
Larry Lindsey
Our wine tasting for April will be at Wendell and Rose Moen's home in Pleasanton. The date is April 10 starting at 6:30. They have requested that we bring blended wines. If you want to bring a white and cannot fine a blended wine bring your favorite white wine. The Moens live in a gated community and you have to go through a gate. The # to open the gate is 9245. They live on a small cal-de-sack next to the emergency gate so please do not park in curb that has no parking sighs. There is plenty of parking in the cal-de-sack and around the corner on the main street. Please respond to this e-mail or to the Moens e-mail that you will be attending the event. It is very important that the host know the number of people coming.
Wendell and Rose Moen
3491Dorest Ct
[email protected]
We had a great wine tasting this last month at Stoneridge Creek here in Pleasanton. The event was hosted by Buck & Joanne Helsel who are residents of the retirement village. It was well attended and all had a good time.
Larry Lindsey
[email protected].
In March, we met at John Knox Presbyterian Church 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin.
We had 3 tables and the winners were: Chuck Brown and Randy Cotton.
Our next meeting will be April 10th at 1:00 PM.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
Larry BrummPlease call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else know.

Beer Group
Steve Annen
Our next beer adventure be at Mckay,s on 252 Main st Pleasanton on Thursday April 19 th at 5 pm . Note the time change to 5 . It is a great outside place with food and beer . See you there Steve
Steve Annen
Our next beer adventure be at Mckay,s on 252 Main st Pleasanton on Thursday April 19 th at 5 pm . Note the time change to 5 . It is a great outside place with food and beer . See you there Steve

We did not have enough players in March, many were traveling, so the game was cancelled. The next game will be Tuesday, April 24. E-mail Jim Benham at [email protected] if interesting in playing poker.
We did not have enough players in March, many were traveling, so the game was cancelled. The next game will be Tuesday, April 24. E-mail Jim Benham at [email protected] if interesting in playing poker.
Steve Annen
We will be playing Bocce at the Pleasanton senior center at 10 am on Tues April 3 rd. See you there Steve.
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
The breakfast boys got together last Wednesday at Vic’s in downtown Pleasanton. We had a good turn-out with 10 showing up and solving many of the world’s problems. We invite all the NEW SIRs to join us next month; we will meet Wednesday, April 25 at 8:30 at Vic’s Allstar Restaurant in downtown Pleasanton. E-mail Jim Benham at [email protected] if interested in joining us for breakfast.
Please see Jim Benham or e-mail him at [email protected] to get more info or to join the breakfast group and/or poker club.
Steve Annen
We will be playing Bocce at the Pleasanton senior center at 10 am on Tues April 3 rd. See you there Steve.
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
The breakfast boys got together last Wednesday at Vic’s in downtown Pleasanton. We had a good turn-out with 10 showing up and solving many of the world’s problems. We invite all the NEW SIRs to join us next month; we will meet Wednesday, April 25 at 8:30 at Vic’s Allstar Restaurant in downtown Pleasanton. E-mail Jim Benham at [email protected] if interested in joining us for breakfast.
Please see Jim Benham or e-mail him at [email protected] to get more info or to join the breakfast group and/or poker club.