SIR 34 August 2019 Newsletter
August brings into sharp focus and a furious boil everything I've been listening to in the late spring and summer.
Henry Rollins
Henry Rollins
Jim Benham
Summer has fully arrived with nice warm weather and cool evenings. You just have to love our climate especially when you see what is happening throughout the rest of the country. I hope everyone is enjoying their vacations and other summer activities.The elections for the next year’s Board of Directors will be held by the end of August. Anyone interested in getting involved, please contact us. Please see me or anyone else on the Board. All of us on the Board and Past Big Sirs will be happy to answer any questions. Remember our next luncheon is Thursday August 1st.
Little SIR
Bill Staack
Guest Speaker
Our speaker in August will be Valerie Pryor who is the General Manager for the Zone 7 Water District. I’m sure it will be an interesting discussion about our current water situation after our very wet winter and all the projects and changes happening in our water district.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Jim Benham
Summer has fully arrived with nice warm weather and cool evenings. You just have to love our climate especially when you see what is happening throughout the rest of the country. I hope everyone is enjoying their vacations and other summer activities.The elections for the next year’s Board of Directors will be held by the end of August. Anyone interested in getting involved, please contact us. Please see me or anyone else on the Board. All of us on the Board and Past Big Sirs will be happy to answer any questions. Remember our next luncheon is Thursday August 1st.
Little SIR
Bill Staack
Guest Speaker
Our speaker in August will be Valerie Pryor who is the General Manager for the Zone 7 Water District. I’m sure it will be an interesting discussion about our current water situation after our very wet winter and all the projects and changes happening in our water district.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
- Ron Hyde active to out
- John Hausheer active to out
New Members
None for July
None for July
August Birthday Boys
George Bouthillier
Ray Brown Frank Fitzgerald Bill Lathlean Ron Lingl |
Fred Martin
Don Mittelstaedt Jeff Simpson Mac Smith |

2018 Golf Schedule |
Wine Tasting
Larry Lindsey
August Wine Tasting
I want to thank Peter and Michelle Weeks for hosting the tasting for July, the wine was good, the food was great, their back yard was wonderful and all had a good time.
August wine tasting will be Tuesday August 20 starting at 6:30. The event will be hosted by Ron & Joan Zaine. They have asked that we bring coastal wines, such as Santa Barbara, Monterey or any other costal region in Calif. Please respond to this email or to the Zaine's.
Ron & Joan Zaine
1530 Ramblewood St
[email protected]
Larry Lindsey
[email protected]
In July, we met at John Knox Presbyterian Church 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin.
We had 3 tables and the winners were: Tom Rouse, Bill Van Gelder and Bruce Kubik.
Our next meeting will be August 13th at one PM.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
Larry Lindsey
August Wine Tasting
I want to thank Peter and Michelle Weeks for hosting the tasting for July, the wine was good, the food was great, their back yard was wonderful and all had a good time.
August wine tasting will be Tuesday August 20 starting at 6:30. The event will be hosted by Ron & Joan Zaine. They have asked that we bring coastal wines, such as Santa Barbara, Monterey or any other costal region in Calif. Please respond to this email or to the Zaine's.
Ron & Joan Zaine
1530 Ramblewood St
[email protected]
Larry Lindsey
[email protected]
In July, we met at John Knox Presbyterian Church 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin.
We had 3 tables and the winners were: Tom Rouse, Bill Van Gelder and Bruce Kubik.
Our next meeting will be August 13th at one PM.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
History Club
Steve Jackson
For those of you who are history buffs this club might be of interest to you. We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10am (next one Wednesday August 14), at the Corner Bakery Café near intersection of Bernal and Valley near I-680. We have a list of topics we want to explore and are currently working on the building of the Transcontinental Railroad. Please join us if you are interested and bring a fact or two with you to share.
Stephen Jackson [email protected]
Steve Jackson
For those of you who are history buffs this club might be of interest to you. We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10am (next one Wednesday August 14), at the Corner Bakery Café near intersection of Bernal and Valley near I-680. We have a list of topics we want to explore and are currently working on the building of the Transcontinental Railroad. Please join us if you are interested and bring a fact or two with you to share.
Stephen Jackson [email protected]

Beer Group
Steve Annen
The beer group met at the Hopyard American Alehouse, we had a great turnout with quite a few ladies joining us. A good time was had by all. The next Beer group get together will be at my house at 5 :30 on Thursday July 25 th . I will supply sausage and baked beans . Everyone can bring their favorite summer beer and a side dish /munchie Please rsvp by email if you plan to come [email protected].
Steve Annen
The beer group met at the Hopyard American Alehouse, we had a great turnout with quite a few ladies joining us. A good time was had by all. The next Beer group get together will be at my house at 5 :30 on Thursday July 25 th . I will supply sausage and baked beans . Everyone can bring their favorite summer beer and a side dish /munchie Please rsvp by email if you plan to come [email protected].

Bill Junge
Poker in July was cancelled due to conflicting dates and the unavailability of players on some alternative choices. Therefore we cancelled, but have scheduled August 22 (the 4th Thursday) as our next poker game night.
Want to join in on the fun? e-mail Bill at [email protected].
Bill Junge
Poker in July was cancelled due to conflicting dates and the unavailability of players on some alternative choices. Therefore we cancelled, but have scheduled August 22 (the 4th Thursday) as our next poker game night.
Want to join in on the fun? e-mail Bill at [email protected].
Steve Annen
The bocce group is playing at 9 am at the senior center on Tues July 30
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
We met Wednesday July 24 and had a nice turn out with about 10 members in attendance, not bad for the summer with many folks traveling on their summer vacations. We look forward to seeing some old & new SIRs at our next Breakfast on August 28 at Vic's AllStar Café on Main Street in downtown Pleasanton. Come on down…….
Steve Annen
The bocce group is playing at 9 am at the senior center on Tues July 30
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
We met Wednesday July 24 and had a nice turn out with about 10 members in attendance, not bad for the summer with many folks traveling on their summer vacations. We look forward to seeing some old & new SIRs at our next Breakfast on August 28 at Vic's AllStar Café on Main Street in downtown Pleasanton. Come on down…….