SIR 34 December 2019 Newsletter
Reminder: Our next regular meeting is on Thursday January 9th
“It is never over, though we are in December!”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
“It was snowing. It was always snowing at Christmas. December, in my memory, is white as Lapland, though there were no reindeers. But there were cats.” Dylan Thomas, A Child's Christmas in Wales.
As the year comes to an end, so does my tenure as Big SIR. I enjoyed my term and I am glad I got to meet and know many of you. We have a great group of people and lots of exciting activities.
As I believe most of you know, Bill Staack will take over as Big SIR and Bill Junge will become the new Little SIR. (The Bill2 Team) Please give them your full support, I am confident they will do a great job.
Jane and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Christmas party this coming Thursday, December 5th at the Castlewood Country Club. I hope to see you there.
An early Merry Christmas to all and wishing everyone a great 2020.
Once a month Dinner Club
I am thinking about starting a once a month dinner club for interested SIRs with spouses or partners as well as single folks where we can have a meal together at some of our local restaurants. Please send me a note if you are interested and what night of the week works best for you. The plan will be to find restaurants with private dining areas to accommodate us and individual checks.
Little SIR
Bill Staack
Guest Speaker
No guest this month, check back next month for our speaker in January.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Annual Dues Collection Time
Starting at our next meeting on January 9th, we will be collecting the annual $20.00 member dues. Checks made out to SIR Branch 34 are preferred and will improve your chances of being credited properly, but cash is also acceptable. It will be helpful to some of us old guys (like me) if you show us your badge when paying with cash. You can also mail your check to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct, Pleasanton 94588
Think dues are too high? In 2002 our dues were $20/year. The state took $3.80 of that $20 for their expenses leaving us with $16.20. In 2020 our dues are still $20/year. The state now takes $7 leaving us with $13. Our members have more activities and our Branch is getting less funding. Just inflation would make the 2002 dues $28.60 in 2020.
Moral: You should happily pay your dues 😊
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Bill Staack
Guest Speaker
No guest this month, check back next month for our speaker in January.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Annual Dues Collection Time
Starting at our next meeting on January 9th, we will be collecting the annual $20.00 member dues. Checks made out to SIR Branch 34 are preferred and will improve your chances of being credited properly, but cash is also acceptable. It will be helpful to some of us old guys (like me) if you show us your badge when paying with cash. You can also mail your check to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct, Pleasanton 94588
Think dues are too high? In 2002 our dues were $20/year. The state took $3.80 of that $20 for their expenses leaving us with $16.20. In 2020 our dues are still $20/year. The state now takes $7 leaving us with $13. Our members have more activities and our Branch is getting less funding. Just inflation would make the 2002 dues $28.60 in 2020.
Moral: You should happily pay your dues 😊
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Don Bartel Chairman
New Members
Don Bartel Chairman
New Members
In October we had 169 Members
Here is a photo of the October Birthday Boys
November Birthday Boys
Alan Brooks Mike Casey Frank Chambers Chan Eason Chris Hayman John Homa Fred Houston Bob Jacobsen Ron Jenson Joe Kenny Dave Lewis Phil Markwart Carl Michelotti Joe Morgan Kevin Reidy Roland Smith Phil Stage Bob Watson |
December Birthday Boys
Jim Benham Joe Biggs Dick Boccolini Larry Brumm Ed Dickerson Buck Helsel Chuck Hendricks Bill Janes Jim Kenna Larry Lindsey Gene Matthew Mike Melvin John Peterson Dick Spicka Bill Thomas |
We need a volunteer to serve as Communication Person and volunteer(s) to serve as Handicap Chairperson. Neither of these functions are very difficult or time consuming.
Elections for officers will be held along with next year branch officer elections, voting will be limited to golf group members
Jim Kenna (925) 989-9062
We need a volunteer to serve as Communication Person and volunteer(s) to serve as Handicap Chairperson. Neither of these functions are very difficult or time consuming.
Elections for officers will be held along with next year branch officer elections, voting will be limited to golf group members
Jim Kenna (925) 989-9062

2019 Golf Schedule |
Wine Tasting
Larry Lindsey
Our November wine tasting was a great event. We met at Dennis & Cris Alcaldes home in Livermore. They prepared several wonderful Italian dishes, others brought very tasty dishes too. I am sure that no one left feeling hungry. Thank you Dennis and Cris for your wonderful hospitality.
We will not be having a wine tasting event in December, the next one will be in January. As most you know Tony Davito will taking over the wine group. He will soon be contacting the group for host homes for next year. I know that the members of the wine group will give him the same support that you gave me. Thank you all for your participation.
Larry Lindsey
[email protected]
Bridge for November
In November, we met at the John Knox Presbyterian Church in Dublin.
We had Two and a half tables (only 10 players). Took 3 hours to play 3 rounds.
The winners were: Chan Eason, Gordon Lund and Tim Kennedy
Our next meeting will be December 10th at one PM.
Don Roberts
The camera club meets monthly at the Pleasant Senior Center. Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected].
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
Larry Lindsey
Our November wine tasting was a great event. We met at Dennis & Cris Alcaldes home in Livermore. They prepared several wonderful Italian dishes, others brought very tasty dishes too. I am sure that no one left feeling hungry. Thank you Dennis and Cris for your wonderful hospitality.
We will not be having a wine tasting event in December, the next one will be in January. As most you know Tony Davito will taking over the wine group. He will soon be contacting the group for host homes for next year. I know that the members of the wine group will give him the same support that you gave me. Thank you all for your participation.
Larry Lindsey
[email protected]
Bridge for November
In November, we met at the John Knox Presbyterian Church in Dublin.
We had Two and a half tables (only 10 players). Took 3 hours to play 3 rounds.
The winners were: Chan Eason, Gordon Lund and Tim Kennedy
Our next meeting will be December 10th at one PM.
Don Roberts
The camera club meets monthly at the Pleasant Senior Center. Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected].
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
History Club
Steve Jackson
For those of you who are history buffs this club might be of interest to you. We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10am at the Corner Bakery Café near intersection of Bernal and Valley near I-680. We have a list of topics we want to explore. Please join us if you are interested and bring a fact or two with you to share.
Stephen Jackson [email protected]
Steve Jackson
For those of you who are history buffs this club might be of interest to you. We meet every second Wednesday of the month at 10am at the Corner Bakery Café near intersection of Bernal and Valley near I-680. We have a list of topics we want to explore. Please join us if you are interested and bring a fact or two with you to share.
Stephen Jackson [email protected]

Beer Group
Steve Annen
There is no beer group for the month of December, we'll begin again in Jan.
Steve Annen
There is no beer group for the month of December, we'll begin again in Jan.

Bill Junge
Poker was held at my house after the Beer tasting event at Bottle Taps. We started a little later than usual because 4 of us were drinking later than expected. We greeted a new member, Ivan Morse, who promptly paid his dues (and a little more). Thanks, Ivan.
We have all agreed that there will be NO Poker in December.
Want to join in on the fun? e-mail Bill at [email protected].
Bill Junge
Poker was held at my house after the Beer tasting event at Bottle Taps. We started a little later than usual because 4 of us were drinking later than expected. We greeted a new member, Ivan Morse, who promptly paid his dues (and a little more). Thanks, Ivan.
We have all agreed that there will be NO Poker in December.
Want to join in on the fun? e-mail Bill at [email protected].
Steve Annen
The bocce group is looking at different sites for the raining weather/ season that we have coming up ( YES finally rain ). and more to be information to follow but it looks like no bocce for the month of Dec.
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
We had a small turnout the Wednesday before Thanksgiving but very good conversations as usual. See you all on Wednesday January 29, 2020. Place to be announced.
Steve Annen
The bocce group is looking at different sites for the raining weather/ season that we have coming up ( YES finally rain ). and more to be information to follow but it looks like no bocce for the month of Dec.
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
We had a small turnout the Wednesday before Thanksgiving but very good conversations as usual. See you all on Wednesday January 29, 2020. Place to be announced.