SIR Branch 34 Newsletter
Jack Parker
I enjoyed our first meeting, hope you did also. I thought that our speaker was interesting. She seemed to know quite a few of our members. The rain we’ve had this last month has helped to refill our reservoirs, but has dampened the play of our golfers and bocce group. Let’s hope for an early spring.
At the last Board Meeting, the Board came up with few new activity ideas.
Jack Parker, Big SIR
[email protected]
Little SIR
Adrian Verduzco
Our February speaker is Rose Padilla Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of the Davis Street Community Center in San Leandro. She will be speaking to us about her work with the Faces of Hope project in Guatemala.
She has served at the helm of the Davis Street since 1991. The Center provides child care services to over 1200 children every day; annually, more than 6000 individuals receive food and clothing services; and each year its comprehensive primary care clinic serves thousands of patients with medical, dental, behavioral health and nutrition services.
In addition to her work at Davis Street, Rose has served as President of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce; Rose was President of the San Leandro Rotary Club in 2005-06, and is the current Administrator of the RotaCare Free Medical Clinic. It is through Rotary that she began her work with the Faces of Hope project in Guatemala that provides cleft lip and palate surgery and health care to isolated villages in that country.
Rose received The Rotary International prestigious “Service Above Self” award, given only to 150 individuals worldwide.
She was recently recognized by the United Nations with the Global Citizen Award for her work to alleviate poverty, inequalities and disparities in low-income communities around the world.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Remember Lunch Price Now $22
Annual Dues Collection Time
While 2/3 of you paid in January (THANK YOU!), we still have 55 more to go. So at our next meeting on February 2nd, we will continue collecting the annual $20.00 member dues. Checks made out to SIR Branch 34 are preferred and will improve your chances of being credited properly, but cash is also acceptable. It will be helpful to some of us old guys (like me) if you show us your badge when paying with cash.
You can also mail your check to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct, Pleasanton 94588
Ron Jensen
If you aren't attending the luncheon meeting please send Email to:
[email protected] Please put "Sir Lunch" in the subject line
OR you can hit the reply arrow on the email you receive every month 12 days
before the luncheon. Type in "I can not attend on XX/XX/XX. My badge numberis XXX." Then hit the send button or arrow.
We must give San Ramon Golf Club the number of meals to prepare 10 days
prior to the meeting.
Don Bartel Chairman
New Members
Rick Loupe TV129
5428 Greenfield Way
Pleasanton, CA 94566
[email protected]
Dave Willmore TV050 golf
47 Seneca Lane
San Ramon, CA 94583
[email protected]
Member Changes
Len Baumann Active to out due to travel
Glen Heestand inactive to out due to death
Dave Buck active to out moved out of area
In January we have 171 active and 4 inactive members
February Birthday Boys
Joe Goodrich
Dave Granum
Jim Griffen
Ken Hartman
Robin Little
Ken McDonald
Mike Misheloff
Jim Mulsow
Frank Narciso
Tony Pimintel
Gene Pons
John Sanches
Hal Swanson
Ray Weaver
Jack Parker
I enjoyed our first meeting, hope you did also. I thought that our speaker was interesting. She seemed to know quite a few of our members. The rain we’ve had this last month has helped to refill our reservoirs, but has dampened the play of our golfers and bocce group. Let’s hope for an early spring.
At the last Board Meeting, the Board came up with few new activity ideas.
- We have an active bridge group. I know there must be a few members who would either like to join in, but need to learn the game or brush up on their skills. Chuck Brown, who is the chair for the bridge group would like to start a beginners bridge group. They would meet at a members home, where a couple of existing players would tutor until the new players felt they were ready to join the existing group. This would be open to all members & their spouses. Anyone interested can call either Chuck Brown or myself.
- For golfers and non-golfers, we will try to set up a 9 hole “Hit & Giggle” tournament, where members and their spouses play as a team. It’s an alternate shot format and being a golfer is not required. The idea is to just have fun. Maybe drinks afterwards. We will set it up after the weather changes.
Jack Parker, Big SIR
[email protected]
Little SIR
Adrian Verduzco
Our February speaker is Rose Padilla Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of the Davis Street Community Center in San Leandro. She will be speaking to us about her work with the Faces of Hope project in Guatemala.
She has served at the helm of the Davis Street since 1991. The Center provides child care services to over 1200 children every day; annually, more than 6000 individuals receive food and clothing services; and each year its comprehensive primary care clinic serves thousands of patients with medical, dental, behavioral health and nutrition services.
In addition to her work at Davis Street, Rose has served as President of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce; Rose was President of the San Leandro Rotary Club in 2005-06, and is the current Administrator of the RotaCare Free Medical Clinic. It is through Rotary that she began her work with the Faces of Hope project in Guatemala that provides cleft lip and palate surgery and health care to isolated villages in that country.
Rose received The Rotary International prestigious “Service Above Self” award, given only to 150 individuals worldwide.
She was recently recognized by the United Nations with the Global Citizen Award for her work to alleviate poverty, inequalities and disparities in low-income communities around the world.
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Remember Lunch Price Now $22
Annual Dues Collection Time
While 2/3 of you paid in January (THANK YOU!), we still have 55 more to go. So at our next meeting on February 2nd, we will continue collecting the annual $20.00 member dues. Checks made out to SIR Branch 34 are preferred and will improve your chances of being credited properly, but cash is also acceptable. It will be helpful to some of us old guys (like me) if you show us your badge when paying with cash.
You can also mail your check to: Tom Reif, 2259 Kamp Ct, Pleasanton 94588
Ron Jensen
If you aren't attending the luncheon meeting please send Email to:
[email protected] Please put "Sir Lunch" in the subject line
OR you can hit the reply arrow on the email you receive every month 12 days
before the luncheon. Type in "I can not attend on XX/XX/XX. My badge numberis XXX." Then hit the send button or arrow.
We must give San Ramon Golf Club the number of meals to prepare 10 days
prior to the meeting.
Don Bartel Chairman
New Members
Rick Loupe TV129
5428 Greenfield Way
Pleasanton, CA 94566
[email protected]
Dave Willmore TV050 golf
47 Seneca Lane
San Ramon, CA 94583
[email protected]
Member Changes
Len Baumann Active to out due to travel
Glen Heestand inactive to out due to death
Dave Buck active to out moved out of area
In January we have 171 active and 4 inactive members
February Birthday Boys
Joe Goodrich
Dave Granum
Jim Griffen
Ken Hartman
Robin Little
Ken McDonald
Mike Misheloff
Jim Mulsow
Frank Narciso
Tony Pimintel
Gene Pons
John Sanches
Hal Swanson
Ray Weaver
January Birthday Boys
Golf Newsletter
Revised Golf Schedule can be viewed here
Please join me for nine great holes at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Monday and Thursday, 8:00 AM tee off. Show up at least 15 minutes earlier for pairing.
The PC Users Group meeting is held every fourth Thursday of the month at 10 AM at the
Pleasanton Senior Center. You do not have to sign up, just show up. The agenda for each
meeting is posted at
If you would like to be on the agenda mailing list, which is sent out about a week before the
meeting, send your email address to [email protected] and you will be added to the mailing list.
Our anxiously awaited Italian wine tasting event will be Thursday, February 9 starting at 5:00PM at Callippe Golf course in Pleasanton. The address is 8500 Clubhouse Dr Pleasanton. To cover the cost of the room rental, Callippe servers, food and rental of large wine glass the cost well be $40.00 per couple. Checks or cash. I will be at the February Sir's lunch and you can give me the checks or cash at that time. Make checks to payable to Sir's 34. Or mail to me at Larry Lindsey 1975 Foxswallow Cir Pleasanton 94566.
Any question contact either Larry Lindsey, 846-7813 or Jack Parker, 846-2416.
Larry & Sharron Lindsey
1975 Foxswallow Cir
[email protected]
The Bridge group meets the second Tuesday every month at the Hacienda Motor Home Park on Vineyard Ave. in Pleasanton. In January we met on Tues the 10th.
The winners were Bruce Kubik, Chan Eason and Tony Pimintel.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday February 14th.
Dance Club
Carl Churilo
We’ve been busy again this month, dancing at Blackhawk Country Club, Rossmoor Community Center, Pleasanton Senior Center, Pleasant Hill Senior Center for afternoon Tea Dances. If this is not enough you can always join us at the Marriott Hotel in Walnut Creek on Friday or Saturday nights. We were going to go to Round Hill Country Club but they are currently remodeling their ballroom. Bigger dance floor and various upgrades to the room, should be great when completed. If you are interested in joining us let me know, Carl: 925-967-8177 or email [email protected] or go to the below Website for dance events all over the Bay area.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
Carl Churilo
I hate writing this column for it contains sad news about our membership. So far, this month we have had only two incidents to report and that is:
Phil Henry – fell and broke a couple of his ribs, give him a call and see how he is doing
Bob O’Neill – returned from the hospital and is slowly recovering. Give him a call.
Beer Group
Steve Annen
We will meet in Feb at The Beer Baron n Pleasanton on St Mary's St. at 4 pm on Thursday Feb 16th. Have fun
Steve Annen
Steve will be out of town he assumes there will be no Bocce in Feb . If anyone wants to check for the 3 rd week of Feb (21) to see if the courts are dry and if so organize the outing they are welcome to, but if the rains continue I think the courts will be to wet.
Steve Annen
WE will be walking On Thursday Feb 7 th and also Thursday Feb 23 at 19 am at the Pleasanton Sports park at 10 am. We will meet at the softball field parking lot .
Jim Benham
This is a fun causal game, come join us some time. We usually meet on the last Tuesday, first had at 6pm, last at 10pm.
Dinner Group
Steve Annen
We gathered for Supper on Wednesday, January 25th at the Small/Martelli household. A festive time was had by all.
The Bridge group meets the second Tuesday every month at the Hacienda Motor Home Park on Vineyard Ave. in Pleasanton. In January we met on Tues the 10th.
The winners were Bruce Kubik, Chan Eason and Tony Pimintel.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday February 14th.
Dance Club
Carl Churilo
We’ve been busy again this month, dancing at Blackhawk Country Club, Rossmoor Community Center, Pleasanton Senior Center, Pleasant Hill Senior Center for afternoon Tea Dances. If this is not enough you can always join us at the Marriott Hotel in Walnut Creek on Friday or Saturday nights. We were going to go to Round Hill Country Club but they are currently remodeling their ballroom. Bigger dance floor and various upgrades to the room, should be great when completed. If you are interested in joining us let me know, Carl: 925-967-8177 or email [email protected] or go to the below Website for dance events all over the Bay area.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
Carl Churilo
I hate writing this column for it contains sad news about our membership. So far, this month we have had only two incidents to report and that is:
Phil Henry – fell and broke a couple of his ribs, give him a call and see how he is doing
Bob O’Neill – returned from the hospital and is slowly recovering. Give him a call.
Beer Group
Steve Annen
We will meet in Feb at The Beer Baron n Pleasanton on St Mary's St. at 4 pm on Thursday Feb 16th. Have fun
Steve Annen
Steve will be out of town he assumes there will be no Bocce in Feb . If anyone wants to check for the 3 rd week of Feb (21) to see if the courts are dry and if so organize the outing they are welcome to, but if the rains continue I think the courts will be to wet.
Steve Annen
WE will be walking On Thursday Feb 7 th and also Thursday Feb 23 at 19 am at the Pleasanton Sports park at 10 am. We will meet at the softball field parking lot .
Jim Benham
This is a fun causal game, come join us some time. We usually meet on the last Tuesday, first had at 6pm, last at 10pm.
Dinner Group
Steve Annen
We gathered for Supper on Wednesday, January 25th at the Small/Martelli household. A festive time was had by all.