July Newsletter 2022
Newsletter comment from the Little Sir:
Time flies..... Here we are half way through 2022 already. As we come out of the pandemic and get back to a more normal life, we are not fully back to the typical Sirs regular events yet. We did not organize our regular July picnic this year which would typically be held in place of the July luncheon..... So we will hold our regular luncheon this month on Thursday, July 7th. Our speaker is a docent for the former USS Potomac, FDR’s Presidential Yacht, now moored at Jack London Square. I for one am interested to learn about the Potomac's history and to find out more about trips on the yacht around the Bay. Our attendance at luncheons recently has been disappointingly low, so if you can make it, please reply to the email that you received earlier to let us know you are coming... We look forward to seeing you on July 7th.
Dave Willmore - Little SIR
Breakfast Group: Next SIRs breakfast will be at Vic’s, Wednesday July 20 at 8:30. We have changed from 9:00 start time to 8:30. Contact Jim Benham at 925-484-3836 or [email protected] for questions
Wine Group July To be announced later
Treasurer News:
2022 DUES
We still need to collect dues from 18 of our members. Please pay at our Thursday July 7th meeting or by sending me a check. Make the check payable to SIR Branch 34 and send it to:
Tom Reif
2259 Kamp Ct
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Thanks to the members who have paid!
Beer Group: Next meeting will be announced by Steve at the July meeting
Bocce Group: Pleasanton Senior Center Sirs bocce will be on July 12 th at 9 am. There will NO Bocce on July 5 th Again Bocce will be on July 12 th and 26 th this month. Have a great 4 th Steve
History Buff Group. Next meeting July 13th Wed 10am ...in the park. For additional information contact Stephen Jackson at [email protected]
Presently 140
We need everyone's current phone information so we can contact regarding interest in upcoming functions. Please send email with changes to [email protected]
Presently 140
We need everyone's current phone information so we can contact regarding interest in upcoming functions. Please send email with changes to [email protected]