SIR 34 November Newsletter
Jack Parker
This last month has gone by so fast. First I missed the October meeting. That was disappointing because Big Frank is always such an entertaining speaker. We were in Japan at the time of the meeting, gone for a total of 2 weeks. Then we had over a week of recuperation from the jet-lag. It seems to take longer to get over it than it used to?? Be sure to invite any friends who are potential Sir Members to the November meeting. This is always a high light meeting of the year. If you haven’t purchased your Christmas Party tickets yet, get out a check and put it in your wallet so that you will have it with you on the 2nd (no cash).
November 2nd will be my final meeting as Big Sir. It has been more enjoyable than I expected. We have a great Executive Board of Directors who have been very supportive all year. Big Sir is probably one of the easiest jobs on the Board. Thanks to all of the others who do so much more without the recognition that they deserve
See everyone on the 2nd,
Jack Parker
Big Sir #34
One more quote from Will Rogers: “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
A quick reminder, bring your checks for the Christmas Party. NO CASH.
Little SIR
Adrian Verduzco
Guest Speaker
Command Sergeant Major Blaine J. Huston, a native of Savanna, Illinois, joined the United States Army in 1991. He is currently serving as the U.S. Army Garrison Command Sergeant Major at the Camp Parks, Reserve Forces Training Area located in Dublin, California.
Throughout 26 years of Army service he has served as a Bridge Crewmember, Administrative Specialist, Rifleman, Team Leader, Squad Leader, Drill Sergeant, Senior Drill Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, Training NCO, Operations Sergeant, First Sergeant, Operations Sergeant Major, Deputy Commandant and G-3/5/7 Sergeant Major. His most recent duty assignments include: Headquarters, XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, NC; Headquarters, U.S. Forces-Iraq (USF-I), Baghdad, Iraq, the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School, Fort Jackson, SC and the U.S. Army Reserve Command, Fort Bragg, NC.
His military education includes the Primary Leadership Development Course, Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course, Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer Course, First Sergeant Course, U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, the Command Sergeant Major/Sergeant Major Executive Education Course (Pilot) and the Command Sergeants Major Course. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Airborne School, Air-Assault School, Drill Sergeant School, and the Tactical Army Combatives Course (Level II).
A few of his many awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (10), Army Achievement Medal (16), Good Conduct Medal (5).
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Ron Jensen
If you aren't attending the luncheon meeting please send Email to:
[email protected] Please put "Sir Lunch" in the subject line
OR you can hit the reply arrow on the email you receive every month 12 days
before the luncheon. Type in "I can not attend on XX/XX/XX. My badge numberis XXX." Then hit the send button or arrow.
We must give San Ramon Golf Club the number of meals to prepare 10 days
prior to the meeting.
Jack Parker
This last month has gone by so fast. First I missed the October meeting. That was disappointing because Big Frank is always such an entertaining speaker. We were in Japan at the time of the meeting, gone for a total of 2 weeks. Then we had over a week of recuperation from the jet-lag. It seems to take longer to get over it than it used to?? Be sure to invite any friends who are potential Sir Members to the November meeting. This is always a high light meeting of the year. If you haven’t purchased your Christmas Party tickets yet, get out a check and put it in your wallet so that you will have it with you on the 2nd (no cash).
November 2nd will be my final meeting as Big Sir. It has been more enjoyable than I expected. We have a great Executive Board of Directors who have been very supportive all year. Big Sir is probably one of the easiest jobs on the Board. Thanks to all of the others who do so much more without the recognition that they deserve
See everyone on the 2nd,
Jack Parker
Big Sir #34
One more quote from Will Rogers: “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
A quick reminder, bring your checks for the Christmas Party. NO CASH.
Little SIR
Adrian Verduzco
Guest Speaker
Command Sergeant Major Blaine J. Huston, a native of Savanna, Illinois, joined the United States Army in 1991. He is currently serving as the U.S. Army Garrison Command Sergeant Major at the Camp Parks, Reserve Forces Training Area located in Dublin, California.
Throughout 26 years of Army service he has served as a Bridge Crewmember, Administrative Specialist, Rifleman, Team Leader, Squad Leader, Drill Sergeant, Senior Drill Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, Training NCO, Operations Sergeant, First Sergeant, Operations Sergeant Major, Deputy Commandant and G-3/5/7 Sergeant Major. His most recent duty assignments include: Headquarters, XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, NC; Headquarters, U.S. Forces-Iraq (USF-I), Baghdad, Iraq, the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School, Fort Jackson, SC and the U.S. Army Reserve Command, Fort Bragg, NC.
His military education includes the Primary Leadership Development Course, Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course, Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer Course, First Sergeant Course, U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, the Command Sergeant Major/Sergeant Major Executive Education Course (Pilot) and the Command Sergeants Major Course. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Airborne School, Air-Assault School, Drill Sergeant School, and the Tactical Army Combatives Course (Level II).
A few of his many awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (10), Army Achievement Medal (16), Good Conduct Medal (5).
Treasurer's Report
Tom Reif
Please note: If you come in late for a meeting and there is no one at the table to buy a lunch ticket, please check the sign at the table to see where a treasurer (Wendell Moen, Jack Ogden or Tom Reif) is sitting and buy your ticket. Thanks for your help.
Ron Jensen
If you aren't attending the luncheon meeting please send Email to:
[email protected] Please put "Sir Lunch" in the subject line
OR you can hit the reply arrow on the email you receive every month 12 days
before the luncheon. Type in "I can not attend on XX/XX/XX. My badge numberis XXX." Then hit the send button or arrow.
We must give San Ramon Golf Club the number of meals to prepare 10 days
prior to the meeting.
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Bob Whittig active to out. Moved out of state
Nino Pompilio active to inactive
In October we had 168 active and 7 inactive members
New Members October
Larry Shrohmeyer TV 084
1227 Dutch Mill Dr
Danville, CA 94526
[email protected]
New Member Photos
Don Bartel Chairman
Member Changes
Bob Whittig active to out. Moved out of state
Nino Pompilio active to inactive
In October we had 168 active and 7 inactive members
New Members October
Larry Shrohmeyer TV 084
1227 Dutch Mill Dr
Danville, CA 94526
[email protected]
New Member Photos
November Birthdays
Alan Brooks Phil Markwart
Frank Chambers Carl Michelotti
Chan Eason Joe Morgan
Fred Houston Kevin Reidy
Ron Jensen Roland Smith
Joe Kenny Bob Watson
Dave Lewis
Frank Chambers Carl Michelotti
Chan Eason Joe Morgan
Fred Houston Kevin Reidy
Ron Jensen Roland Smith
Joe Kenny Bob Watson
Dave Lewis
October Birthday Boys
Jim Kenna
Our 2018 schedule is now complete, it includes 17 different courses with Poppy Ridge and Callippe leading the way with 9 and 8 dates respectively. The schedule will likely be delivered by email to all the golfers before the luncheon and possibly before you read this. We also will have a limited number available at the luncheon for the non computer folks in our group.
Don't forget NCGA and club dues are due and November is our last luncheon of the year.
At the November 2 luncheon Ron Jensen will be collecting checks for next year's membership in the NCGA golf club. Renewal for present members is $70, and dues for new members is $80. Checks only please! Written to "Sir branch 34 golf".
If you have an account in our golf banking system, your dues will be automatically extracted from that account.
Revised Golf Schedule can be viewed here
Please join me for nine great holes at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Monday and Thursday, 8:00 AM tee off. Show up at least 15 minutes earlier for pairing.
The PC Users Group meeting is held every fourth Thursday of the month at 10 AM at the
Pleasanton Senior Center. You do not have to sign up, just show up. The agenda for each
meeting is posted at
If you would like to be on the agenda mailing list, which is sent out about a week before the
meeting, send your email address to [email protected] and you will be added to the mailing list.
Wine Tasters Club
Larry Lindsey
Our November wine tasting is going to be Tuesday November 14th 6:30PM at Mike & Donna Melvin's home. They are requesting that we bring a wine from the Monterey County.
It is very important that the host for the wine tasting events knows the number of people that will be attending. The best way to acknowledge that you are coming is to e-mail Larry Lindsey [email protected]. He will let the Melvin’s know you plan to attend.
Milke & Donna Melvin
4476 Sandalwood Dr
We had a great time in Lodi sampling and buying fine wines. The dinner with the whole group was a excellent and a fun time. Many thanks to Larry Lindsey and Steve Annen for putting this fun event together. View a slide show here
The Bridge Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Hacienda Motor Home Park on Vineyard Ave. in Pleasanton In October we had four tables and winners were: Peter McIntrye, Dick Fields, Roland Smith and Bruce Kubic. In November we will be meeting on Tuesday the 14th.
Dance Carl Churilo
In December we'll have our Annual Christmas Dinner Dance at Castlewood Country Club. You still have time to learn a few new steps or dances or even practice some of your old moves. You can contact Two Left Feet in Danville and check out their dance schedules for various dances. Their prices are very reasonable. Or you can go to Arthur Murray in Livermore as well. But they are not cheap. Whichever you chose will only help you show off your dance moves and make you look smooth on the dance floor.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
View Camera Club Slide Show
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
Carl Churilo
Wow, best news I that can inform our members is that we had not lost any of our members once again. If anyone hears about someone or their spouses let me know so that we can send out a card of condolence. Email me at: [email protected], or call 925-967-8177.
Beer Group
Steve Annen
We will be meeting next at 8 Bridges brewery in Livermore Nov 30th at 4 pm . We will not meet at our normal week because of Thanksgiving week. There will be no meeting in Dec, I will send out an e mail later in the month to remind all
Just a friendly reminder, we are active, for example: on October 10th we had 3 activities that involved 43 sirs: wine tasting in Lodi with 17 sirs plus wives; bridge with 12; and golf with 14 That is 43 members on one day . As you can see there's a bunch of things going on so find your activity and join the fun! Steve
Jim Kenna
Our 2018 schedule is now complete, it includes 17 different courses with Poppy Ridge and Callippe leading the way with 9 and 8 dates respectively. The schedule will likely be delivered by email to all the golfers before the luncheon and possibly before you read this. We also will have a limited number available at the luncheon for the non computer folks in our group.
Don't forget NCGA and club dues are due and November is our last luncheon of the year.
At the November 2 luncheon Ron Jensen will be collecting checks for next year's membership in the NCGA golf club. Renewal for present members is $70, and dues for new members is $80. Checks only please! Written to "Sir branch 34 golf".
If you have an account in our golf banking system, your dues will be automatically extracted from that account.
Revised Golf Schedule can be viewed here
Please join me for nine great holes at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Monday and Thursday, 8:00 AM tee off. Show up at least 15 minutes earlier for pairing.
The PC Users Group meeting is held every fourth Thursday of the month at 10 AM at the
Pleasanton Senior Center. You do not have to sign up, just show up. The agenda for each
meeting is posted at
If you would like to be on the agenda mailing list, which is sent out about a week before the
meeting, send your email address to [email protected] and you will be added to the mailing list.
Wine Tasters Club
Larry Lindsey
Our November wine tasting is going to be Tuesday November 14th 6:30PM at Mike & Donna Melvin's home. They are requesting that we bring a wine from the Monterey County.
It is very important that the host for the wine tasting events knows the number of people that will be attending. The best way to acknowledge that you are coming is to e-mail Larry Lindsey [email protected]. He will let the Melvin’s know you plan to attend.
Milke & Donna Melvin
4476 Sandalwood Dr
We had a great time in Lodi sampling and buying fine wines. The dinner with the whole group was a excellent and a fun time. Many thanks to Larry Lindsey and Steve Annen for putting this fun event together. View a slide show here
The Bridge Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Hacienda Motor Home Park on Vineyard Ave. in Pleasanton In October we had four tables and winners were: Peter McIntrye, Dick Fields, Roland Smith and Bruce Kubic. In November we will be meeting on Tuesday the 14th.
Dance Carl Churilo
In December we'll have our Annual Christmas Dinner Dance at Castlewood Country Club. You still have time to learn a few new steps or dances or even practice some of your old moves. You can contact Two Left Feet in Danville and check out their dance schedules for various dances. Their prices are very reasonable. Or you can go to Arthur Murray in Livermore as well. But they are not cheap. Whichever you chose will only help you show off your dance moves and make you look smooth on the dance floor.
Camera Club
Don Roberts
Any questions about Camera Club get in touch with Don Roberts at 846-5145 or email [email protected]
View Camera Club Slide Show
Larry Brumm
Please call Larry if you hear of any SIR sick, hospitalized, or injured so he can let everyone else
Carl Churilo
Wow, best news I that can inform our members is that we had not lost any of our members once again. If anyone hears about someone or their spouses let me know so that we can send out a card of condolence. Email me at: [email protected], or call 925-967-8177.
Beer Group
Steve Annen
We will be meeting next at 8 Bridges brewery in Livermore Nov 30th at 4 pm . We will not meet at our normal week because of Thanksgiving week. There will be no meeting in Dec, I will send out an e mail later in the month to remind all
Just a friendly reminder, we are active, for example: on October 10th we had 3 activities that involved 43 sirs: wine tasting in Lodi with 17 sirs plus wives; bridge with 12; and golf with 14 That is 43 members on one day . As you can see there's a bunch of things going on so find your activity and join the fun! Steve

Jim Benham
This is a fun causal game, come join us some time. We usually meet on the last Tuesday of the month, first hand at 6pm, last at 10pm, come Heaven or (Hell) high water. October's poker party was cancelled, seems everyone was busy or traveling. Wait til next month!
Jim Benham
This is a fun causal game, come join us some time. We usually meet on the last Tuesday of the month, first hand at 6pm, last at 10pm, come Heaven or (Hell) high water. October's poker party was cancelled, seems everyone was busy or traveling. Wait til next month!
Steve Annen
We will be playing Bocce Tues Nov 7 th at 10 pm at the Pleasanton senior center . If it is wet we might not be playing if the courts are wet . Check with the Senior center if you have any questions . I will be traveling next week so I will not be able to check Prior to Tues.
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
A group of ten met at Vic's the last Wednesday in October. There was friendly conversation and once again we tried to solve most of the world's problems, but then..... there's always next month. We have room for lots more so come join us.
Please see Jim Benham or e-mail him at [email protected] to get more info or to join the breakfast and/or poker club.
Steve Annen
We will be playing Bocce Tues Nov 7 th at 10 pm at the Pleasanton senior center . If it is wet we might not be playing if the courts are wet . Check with the Senior center if you have any questions . I will be traveling next week so I will not be able to check Prior to Tues.
The once a month Breakfast Group
Jim Benham
A group of ten met at Vic's the last Wednesday in October. There was friendly conversation and once again we tried to solve most of the world's problems, but then..... there's always next month. We have room for lots more so come join us.
Please see Jim Benham or e-mail him at [email protected] to get more info or to join the breakfast and/or poker club.
Travel Opportunities
Click link below to view offer.
Click link below to view offer.